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Photographic policy

Delta Trampoline has decided to adopt British Gymnastics’ ‘Photography and the use of Imagery Policy and Procedures’, which is contained within the ‘Safeguarding and protecting Children Policy’.


General principles concerning the use of photographs or recorded images


Use of videos as an aid to coaching

The use of video equipment can be a valuable aid to coaching. The guidelines below should be implemented to safeguard against inappropriate practice:

  • A photograph, video clip or other image of a gymnast should not be published whether in print or electronically (eg on a website) without written consent from the gymnast concerned (or in the case of a child from their parent or guardian), and personal information of the individual, other than their name and their club, should not accompany the image. (Particular provisions apply in connection to photography at public events such as competitions and displays.)

  • Clubs are recommended to introduce a consent form, ideally as part of the process applied when a gymnast joins the club, concerning the taking of images for training purposes.

  • ensure that the performers and their parent/carer are aware of the purpose of the filming as a coaching aid and consent is obtained

  • ensure that the person designated for participants’ welfare and one other responsible and approved adult is present to ensure that performers are protected against inappropriate filming

  • care should be taken to securely store the video materials to avoid inappropriate usage


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