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Grievance policy

The Club operates an open policy under which any member, parent/guardian or official who has a grievance or complaint against any other user of the Club is encouraged to make their feelings known to the Committee in order that the problem can be highlighted and discussed. This will hopefully provide an atmosphere within the Club which is conducive to high levels of achievement and an environment which is as enjoyable as possible for all users.


If anyone has any suggestions which they wish to make which they believe would enhance the Club, then they would be well received by the Committee.


It should be remembered that the nature of trampolining requires the teaching of skills using hands on coaching. Catching and supporting techniques involving contact between the coach and trampolinist are kept to the minimum required, but are necessary at times to secure the safety of the participant.


If a parent or guardian has any query regarding these techniques, it is best in the first instance to address the concern to the child's coach. Our coaches are all CRB checked and are aware of the Club's adoption of, and their responsibilities under the BG Child protection policy. As such the rights of children must remain uppermost, and variations from this policy will not be condoned by the club. Should any person wish to make a report regarding any grievance or complaint, or to make any suggestion which may enhance safety within the Club, this should be written and sent “For the attention of the Welfare Officer and/or Committee” marked Private and Confidential and handed to a Club official. The report will be discussed by the committee at the earliest opportunity, within a maximum of 21 days, and the reporter will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.


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