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Execution (E)

(Scored out of 20)

How well the skills in the routine are performed

  • The four execution judges will make a deduction of between 0.0-0.5 for each skill performed.

  • Deductions can be for:

    • Form of shapes

    • Straight lines (Body tension)

    • Arm position

    • Lineout position (Timing)

    • Pike down position (Timing)

    • Not showing control at the end of a routine

  • The deductions will be taken from the number of skill completed, usually 10.

  • The Chair can also make deductions for touching the mats or pads with any part of the body or not completing a skill. They can also stop a routine, which means the score will be only out of the number of skills completed before it was stopped.

  • The highest and lowest scores are discounted, and the remaining ‘middle’ scores are added together to make up the Execution score, which then get added to the others to provide the total score.

Difficulty (D)

(No upper limit on this)

Complexity of the skills performed

  • ​Only awarded for the Voluntary & Final routine (if there is one)

  • Points are awarded for rotating, twisting and some shapes.

    • rotation in 90 degree increments

    • twisting in 180 degree increments

  • For instance

    • A BSS (T) is worth 0.5, four 90 degree rotations @0.1 each plus a bonus 0.1 for completing a full rotation. 

    • A Barani (T) is worth 0.6, four 90 degree rotations @0.1 each, 0.1 for a full rotation bonus and 0.1 for a ½ twist. 

  • The difficulty of all skills are added together to give the Difficulty score, which then get added to the others to provide the total score

Horizontal Displacement (HD)

(Scored out of 10)

Deviation from the middle of the trampoline bed 

  • ​Can be calculated automatically or by  one or two HD judges.

  • The diagram below shows what the deductions will be for moving from the centre of the trampoline












  • The deductions will be taken from the number of skills completed, usually 10.

  • When there are two HD judges scores, they will be averaged to make up the Horizontal Displacement score, which then get added to the others to provide the total score


Time of Flight (T)

 (1 Point for each second in the air)

Amount of time the gymnast spends in the air

  • It is measured by an electronic Time of Flight (ToF) device fitted to the trampoline.

  • Measured in thousandths of a second. 

  • Not used in all competitions due to the cost of the equipment to measure it. (although new less expensive kit is now becoming available)

  • The points scored correlate to the time in seconds, i.e. ToF of 14.634 equates to 14.634 points which is added to the other scores to give the overall total.


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